Non-Traditional Website Submissions
In Part 1 of this article we discussed how website submissions are a fundamental SEO practice that increases search engine positioning and drives traffic to your website. Website submissions allow your company to associate it’s URL with targeted keywords and reach a new audience that may not have otherwise been exposed to your content or offerings.
Getting your company found on the Internet requires a strategic approach if you want to maximize your time and the value of your website submissions. In Part 1 we gave you some traditional examples of submitting websites, blogs and RSS feed URL’s to Web directories and Search Engines. Now we’ll discuss some alternative, more targeted approaches that can add even more value to your website submission strategy.
Where should I submit my website?
Data Providers and Aggregators
If your company has been around for some time, chances are these directories may already have you listed. It’s a good idea to check to make sure the information is accurate and update it if you’ve had a change of contact information recently. These sites are often the source of data for other sites such as AOL and Ask.com, so getting listed here can get your company additional placements as well. Some examples of these companies are Localeze.com, infoUSA.com, ACXIOM.com, iBegin.com.
Business Directories
Get your website listed and categorized by the specific products/services your company offers with business directories. This will allow you to receive targeted traffic and associate keyword relevance with your URL for the search engines. Some examples of these are Business.com, Entrepreneur.com, BusinessWeek.com and ThomasNet. Some of these require a fee or membership like the chamber of commerce business directory, but the SEO value can be very high.
Trade Industry Directories
For every niche industry there’s most likely a directory for it. For example rimsbuyersguide.com offers a directory of industry suppliers for the Risk Insurance Management Society. Or event suppliers can get listed at MPI Global Marketplace (mpiglobalmarketplace.com). Are you in the online media business? Check out http://www.mediapost.com/directories/. Find out what directories are available for your industry and you can be sure to get targeted traffic and excellent keyword association for your website.
Press Release Websites
There are many free and paid Press Release submission sites. These sites provide similar benefits to article marketing sites in the sense that they can expose people to your company and associate your URL with targeted keywords. However, these press releases allow you to let people in the business of reporting know about what’s new and exciting about your company. A well written press release on something unique may also get picked up by a news publication or blogger giving you even more exposure. Press releases also give your website additional credibility and show that your company is active and successful. The big sites like prnewswire.com and businesswire.com charge per submission but you can also submit to free press release companies as well. For examples of free press release sites, check out clickpress.com or pr.com.
Social Networks
One of the newest and surprisingly effective forms of gaining exposure for your website are social networks. You can submit content to create a rich, informative experience for visitors to your profile. Social Networks have proven themselves to be a highly effective method for driving traffic to your site. You can get even more interactive and gain loyal followers with social networking apps. If you haven’t created a company profile on LinkedIn, FaceBook, MySpace, and Twitter, get started now. There are many more social websites available but those will get you started. There are also tools available that will allow you to auto syndicate content to your profiles for easy maintenance.
Wrapping Up Part 2
When you utilize non-traditional website directories and search engines to promote your site, you can be found in places where your competition isn’t listed. This allows you to gain a competitive advantage. These non-tradition website submissions are another way to increase your chances of being found on the Internet and generate more leads.
Associated Articles
Part 1 – Drive Traffic with Website Submissions: The Basics
Part 3 – Drive Traffic with Website Submissions: Local Business